Dr. Ignazio Fanari

Dr. Ignazio Fanari is an Orthopedic Physician who receives patients by appointment in Oristano at the Centro Polispecialistico Medici del Benessere. He has worked since 2004 in the Orthopedic Department of the Casa di Cura S. Antonio in Cagliari where he performs procedures in:

Prosthetic knee and hip surgery

Arthroscopic knee and shoulder surgery (Day Surgery)

Hand and foot surgery (Day Surgery and Day Service)

He focuses on hand surgery (carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, rhizarthrosis, Dupuytren's disease and ulnar neuropathy) and foot surgery (hallux valgus, hammer toe and Morton's neuroma).

He also carries out medico-legal reports (for traffic accidents).


Make an appointment with us

Phone, WhatsApp or mail

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A Team of professionals at your service

ORISTANO | Via Luigi Manconi Passino. 32

Consult the map >>

Phone: +39 0783 467437

Mobile: +39 370 1504113


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