Dr. Maria Elena Malune

I am a gynecologist. I have furthered my training with a surgical, clinical and research fellowship in Gynecologic Oncology at the Imperial College of London and IOTA-group ultrasound courses with related accreditation.

I am also a hospital doctor.

I worked at Ausl Modena (P.O. of Carpi) where I was particularly dedicated to the management of the obstetric patients and the delivery room.
I currently work at P.O. San Martino in Oristano.

In addition to the management of the obstetrical and gynecological patients, I am part of the outpatient team dedicated to the services of hysteroscopy, endometriosis and prenatal diagnosis. I also assist in labor and delivery at the same hospital.


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A Team of professionals at your service

ORISTANO | Via Luigi Manconi Passino. 32

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Phone: +39 0783 467437

Mobile: +39 370 1504113


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