Aesthetic Medicine

Specialist in Aesthetic Medicine in Oristano

We will plan and provide for the medical care and treatments that concern the aesthetics of your person in a respectful and non-invasive way.

Our goal is correction and elimination of imperfections of the face or body where surgery is not necessary, allowing patients to resume normal activities in a short time.

Blemishes may be congenital or acquired over the years due to aging or lifestyle.

Aesthetic medical treatments usually do not require anesthesia and consist of treatments repeated over several months in order to achieve effective and long-lasting results.

Aesthetic medicine also allows the tissue to be prepared for surgery in order to improve the aesthetic outcome. It remains a valuable therapeutic adjunct for maintaining cosmetic surgery results.

At Medici del Benessere, we use the most innovative lasers and pulsed lights currently available for the correction of skin imperfections today: telangiectasias, couperose, matting, erythrosis rosacea, venous moles, angiomas, photorejuvenation, active acne, lentigo, papular spots, dermatosis, hyperkeratosis, poikiloderma, scarring, keloids, stretch marks, fibromas, xanthelasma, keratosis, rhinophyma, moles, warts, female genital rejuvenation, and permanent hair removal.

MonnaLisa Touch is a functional vaginal rejuvenation laser treatment based on a special fractionated CO2 laser system made specifically for the vaginal mucosa.

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Our Specialist in Aesthetic Medicine

Dr. Magda Sammarco

Ginecologist | Aesthetic Phisician

A Team of professionals at your service

ORISTANO | Via Luigi Manconi Passino. 32

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Phone: +39 0783 467437

Mobile: +39 370 1504113

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