Monica Pani

Qualified Tattoo Artist

I have been performing aesthetic tattooing since 2014, below are my treatments:


Eyebrows: hair technique

Eyebrows: combined hair+shaded technique

Eyebrows: shaded technique powder or eye shadow effect


Lips: volume effect contour + light shading

Lips: lipstick effect light contouring and full mucous filling

Natural lips: "tinted lip balm" effect without contouring


Eye Liner infra lash above and below

Graphic Eye Liner

Eye Liner blended smoky eyes style


Freckles and moles

I have completed several master's degrees with national and international Academies:

2015 master’s in Microblading (manual technique without dermograph) with Makeup art school in Turin and, with the same Academy in 2017, master’s in full-lip lipstick effect technique;

2018 master’s with SviatoslavOtchenash of S Accademi Moscow performed in Rome with the techniques he created for eyebrows, eyes and lips, shaded eye-shadow effects and ultra realistic eyebrows with hair and shading;

2021 master’s with Biotek Academy in Milan for three-dimensional eyebrows with ultra realistic hair.

A Team of professionals at your service

ORISTANO | Via Luigi Manconi Passino. 32

Consult the map >>

Phone: +39 0783 467437

Mobile: +39 370 1504113

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