Maria Paola Carboni

Maria Paola Carboni is a Naturopath who can be seen by appointment in Oristano at the Centro Polispecialistico Medici del Benessere.

I am Maria Paola Carboni, a massage therapist and a naturopath experienced in reflexology

I studied Naturopathy at the ANEA Academy in Cagliari in a three-year course.
I specialized in reflexology at the Zu Center in Milan. This is a four-year program that deals exclusively with foot reflexology and traditional Chinese medicine. Here, I learned how to look at both the foot and the body globally, and treat them through organ reflex points and Chinese meridian pathways to restore the free flow of one’s life essence.
In addition, I have taken several massage courses.

How I can help you:
Through reflexology, I help you regain your balance and increase your quality of life.
This is a relaxing and pleasant treatment done on the foot and leg.
It is particularly useful if:
- You feel swollen and heavy
- You are tired
- You suffer from pain, insomnia, hormonal or digestive problems, anxiety, headaches, constipation etc., and would like to supplement any treatments you are following with a natural course.
Typically, a course of 10 weekly sessions is the basis for regaining your well-being.

A Team of professionals at your service

ORISTANO | Via Luigi Manconi Passino. 32

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Phone: +39 0783 467437

Mobile: +39 370 1504113

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