
Specialist in Nephrology in Oristano

Nephrology is the branch of medicine concerned with the morphological, physiological, pathological, and clinical study of the kidney.

At the Polispecialist Studio Medici del Benessere in Oristano you can have a nephrology examination, which is useful for diagnosing and treating the main kidney diseases, such as renal insufficiency (acute or chronic), urinary tract infections, kidney stones, renal cysts, glomerulonephritis, and tumors of the kidney and urinary tract.

Our Specialists in Nephrology

Dr. Riccardo Ivaldi


Dr. Angela Fele


A Team of professionals at your service

ORISTANO | Via Luigi Manconi Passino. 32

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Phone: +39 0783 467437

Mobile: +39 370 1504113

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