
Nutritionist in Oristano | Eating to feel good

Nutrition is a very valuable health tool.

In order to be considered correct, it must be based on a diet that is healthy, balanced and varied.

For anyone wanting to lose weight in a healthy way, the Mediterranean diet is one of the best diets in the world.

A proper diet provides the body with all the substances and the energy it needs for it to function at its best and stay healthy.

Therefore, the basic principle to ensure a balanced and varied intake of nutrients is to follow a healthy and complete diet, varying dishes and ingredients as much as possible, and accompanying this with regular, physical activity.

As soon as one mentions dieting, many people immediately think of the kind of rigid diet which is full of rules and measuring; a diet that will allow you to lose weight.

In reality, a diet is simply what you choose to eat; it is part of your lifestyle.

Our Biologist Nutritionist

Dr. Tiziana Curcu

Biologist Nutritionist

A Team of professionals at your service

ORISTANO | Via Luigi Manconi Passino. 32

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Phone: +39 0783 467437

Mobile: +39 370 1504113

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