Dr. Marco Pietro Riccio

Dr. Marco Pietro Riccio is a physiotherapist who can be seen by appointment in Oristano at the Medici del Benessere Multi-specialty Center.

I deal primarily with the management of problems and disorders affecting the musculoskeletal system.

Physiotherapy is often the best ally in dealing with young, athletic patients and with working or sedentary older patients who are experiencing painful or disabling conditions of an acute or chronic nature.

Individual sessions or therapeutic courses are characterized by:

- Medical history discussion and a physiotherapeutic evaluation: each session includes an analysis of the patient’s symptoms and condition as a whole in order to find a therapeutic solution which fits the patient as an individual.

- Physiotherapeutic treatment: treatment is tailored to the patient and consists mainly of manual therapy. This involves therapeutic exercises possibly including instrumental therapy. Specific rehabilitative and physiotherapeutic techniques are used.

- Treatment goals: again, these can differ depending on the patient and the therapeutic course undertaken. Goals may include the resolution of a painful acute or chronic condition, the re-education of an impaired function, comprehensive rehabilitation in chronic conditions or disabling diseases, or the alleviation of side effects from fatigue or overload.

- Promotion and maintenance of results: behavioral education and independently reproducible learned exercises are often of great importance in maintaining achieved results.

A Team of professionals at your service

ORISTANO | Via Luigi Manconi Passino. 32

Consult the map >>

Phone: +39 0783 467437

Mobile: +39 370 1504113


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