Dr. Ilenia Ferraris

I am Dr. Ilenia Ferraris, a registered psychologist in the Region of Sardinia under no. 3614 in the Psychologists’ Register.

I obtained a master's degree in Dynamic Developmental Psychopathology at La Sapienza University. This choice allowed me to delve into parent-child, couple and family relationship dynamics. These are topics that I then also addressed during my professional internship.

My areas of competence include supporting parents and psychological support for the individual (adolescents and adults), as well as for couples and families. I help people in all stages of life with relational difficulties, self-esteem issues, emotional awareness and management of emotions.

I also attended a Level II master’s degree in clinical Psychosexology, through which I have been trained extensively in this area. I possess the necessary skills for conducting sexological counseling. The latter is aimed at people with sexual dysfunctions and/or psychological discomfort related to sexuality, such as emotional blocks that do not allow them to achieve intimacy with their partner. I work with the individual person and/or couple to understand sexual, emotional, and relational issues and improve them.

A Team of professionals at your service

ORISTANO | Via Luigi Manconi Passino. 32

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Phone: +39 0783 467437

Mobile: +39 370 1504113


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