Psychotherapy and Psychology

Specialist in Psychotherapy and Psychology in Oristano

The fields of application of psychology are vast and diverse.

Clinical psychology is not limited to the treatment of psychopathological disorders, but is concerned with both the promotion of well-being and personal growth and the prevention of psychophysical distress.

The psychologist can carry out counseling, psycho-diagnosis, prevention, assessment, and support in the area of psychological well-being for individuals, groups, social bodies, and communities.

In what situations can psychological counseling be useful? For example, in case of difficulties related to a particular event or life cycle: a bereavement, a separation, a time of personal crisis due to multiple factors including disagreements between parents and children.

Should the need for more in-depth treatment emerge involving deeper aspects related to the person's psychological, family and social life, it may be necessary to begin a course of psychotherapy.

The Psychologist-Psychotherapist is first and foremost a psychologist, who therefore possesses all the skills described above, but in addition has completed a Specialization in Psychotherapy.

Therefore, the psychotherapist possesses a wealth of theoretical and clinical experience acquired during a four-year specialization course, which enables him or her to do therapy in a conscious and comprehensive manner, accompanying the patient on a path of recognition of his or her psychological and relational difficulties, inducing changes that can improve his or her quality of life.

The psychotherapist is prepared to work on discomfort, disorders and pathologies of various natures and entities, considering the patient in his or her personal complexity and, very importantly, in his/her the relational and social context.

Our Specialist in Psychotherapy and Psychology

A Team of professionals at your service

ORISTANO | Via Luigi Manconi Passino. 32

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Phone: +39 0783 467437

Mobile: +39 370 1504113

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