
Specialist in Urology in Oristano

Our urologist is Dr. Sara Gentile. The method of her outpatient visits is to have an initial interview with the patient in order to decide which type of examination is required and, if possible, have laboratory tests completed before then performing a complete examination with ultrasound (when necessary). As far as possible, she tries to arrive at a diagnosis with accompanying treatment plan during a single visit.

She currently performs inpatient, outpatient and surgical treatments using ultrasound.

In the operating room she performs operations such as:

Endoscopic Resections of Bladder Tumors.

Endoscopic and open (when necessary) Prostatic Hypertrophy Disobstructive surgeries (when necessary).

Endoscopic surgeries for treatment of kidney, ureteral and bladder stones.

Minor surgeries such as Circumcisions, surgery for Hydroceles, Varicoceles, Testicular Cyst Exeresis and Orchidopexy.

Preputial Frenulum Plastics also in children as young as 4 years old.

Laserization Bladder Condylomas.

Cystoscopies and needle biopsies for suspected bladder and prostate tumors.

She also treats kidney stones with extracorporeal lithotripsy.

After possible treatment of bladder tumors, patients can be included in the periodic checkup programs at St. Anthony's Nursing Home.

Our specialist in Urology

A Team of professionals at your service

ORISTANO | Via Luigi Manconi Passino. 32

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Phone: +39 0783 467437

Mobile: +39 370 1504113


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