Medici del Benessere non è solo il nome del nostro poliambulatorio specialistico, ma identifica anche la mission del nostro modo di lavorare e occuparci della salute dei nostri pazienti.

Il nostro team di medici è una vera e propria squadra di professionisti, che dialoga, collabora e esegue controlli incrociati dei dati al fine di assicurare la soluzione corretta e adeguata ai vostri problemi.

Questo permette, grazie agli Open day che periodicamente lo studio organizza in giornate calendarizzate e pubblicizzate per tempo, di indirizzare i pazienti verso giusti percorsi terapeutici evitando sprechi di tempo e denaro.

La prevenzione e l’educazione al conservamento di un buono stato di salute è il nostro principale obiettivo ed è l’intervento primario che spesso scongiura ed evita ulteriori interventi.

Le Giornate delle Visite permettono di individuare l’area di specializzazione e il professionista più adatto a risolvere i problemi, e la collaborazione permette di integrare il lavoro dei medici in modo da raggiungere risultati ottimali e più rapidi.


Il nostro percorso Benessere

Molto spesso un problema può essere risolto attraverso la soluzione di un altro disagio di salute di pertinenza di un collega.

Avere un quadro e percorso definito integrato e basato sul dialogo mira ad assicurarvi armonia, salute e benessere.

Constant Monitoring

Our goal is to provide accurate monitoring and observation of our patients' state of health.

That is why we place the utmost importance on general examinations and on your medical history. We ascertain your state of health in a timely manner and through the teamwork of our professionals in order to choose the most effective and decisive course of treatment.

Serene, confidential environment

We know the fears and anxieties that a medical examination can generate. This is why we take care to put you in the best possible position to make an appointment at our center with ease and serenity. A warm welcome, confidentiality and a little well-deserved pampering is the best medicine for getting to know each other.

Qualified Doctors

The professionals who make up the team of Doctors of Medici del Benessere, are some of the best trained specialists in Sardinia.

In addition to their training and wide range of specializations (Gynecology, Nutrition, Psychology, Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, Orthopedics...), our strength lies in our integrated and coordinated approach during the evaluation of patients' cases.

Advanced technology

Our medical center uses the best equipment, selected from the companies currently leading the market in the various areas of medical specialization. We combine our expertise with the precision and reliability of state-of-the-art instrumentation.

Make an appointment with us

Phone, WhatsApp or mail

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The Medici del Benessere medical center is a specialized outpatient clinic in Oristano, Sardinia, that balances high-quality professionals with affordable costs.

Our methods are based on analyzing the relational needs of the person and on the creation of a good doctor-patient relationship founded on listening and trust.

That is why we ensure adequate examination times for diagnosis and the opportunity to fully involve our specialists in finding the best treatment solutions to your problem.

We take care of your health, because we take care of the whole person

“Preventive health care is the most important care and the greatest satisfaction for us doctors”

Make an appointment with us

A Team of professionals at your service

ORISTANO | Via Luigi Manconi Passino. 32

Consult the map >>

Phone: +39 0783 467437

Mobile: +39 370 1504113

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