
Specialist in Gynecology in Oristano

With a thorough gynecological examination, it is possible to monitor the health of female genitalia and exclude the presence of any pathologies.

Periodic checkups are also an opportunity to prevent cervical cancer and fibroids, while pelvic endometriosis can be detected with a Pap test.

Understanding the reasons behind menstrual cycle disorders (e.g., irregularity, pain, or particularly heavy bleeding), finding a suitable system of contraception, because one wants to have a baby, to check for a suspected pregnancy, for problems concerning sexual intercourse (e.g., pain), for problems affecting the breasts, or for menopause-related disorders…these are all valid reasons for a gynecological exam.

A gynecological examination initially always involves learning the patient’s medical history. Having such information from the beginning helps the doctor effectively examine the external genitalia, vagina and breasts.

MonnaLisa Touch is a functional vaginal rejuvenation laser treatment based on a special fractionated CO2 laser system made specifically for the vaginal mucosa.

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Our specialists in Gynecology

Dr. Magda Sammarco

Ginecologist | Aesthetic Phisician

A Team of professionals at your service

ORISTANO | Via Luigi Manconi Passino. 32

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Phone: +39 0783 467437

Mobile: +39 370 1504113

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