Specialist in Dermatology in Oristano
Our Dermatologists will take care of the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of your skin diseases and skin appearance.
The skin constitutes the largest organ of the body and is obviously the most visible.
As part of our mission of sharing and teamwork to ensure your maximum well-being, the professional will be able to collaborate with other specialists in order to find the ad hoc solution for your problems.
Dermatology investigates the nature and origin of symptoms such as rashes, angiomas (so-called birthmarks), itching and pain, as well as irregularly shaped moles.
The purpose of the dermatological examination is to diagnose and treat possible skin diseases such as acne, hives, psoriasis, vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, and skin allergies.
It also allows for the evaluation of diseases that affect the scalp such as alopecia, hair loss, and dandruff and the removal of benign lesions such as moles or contagious warts.
The dermatological examination, it should not be forgotten, is also an important checkup for the prevention of skin cancer (melanoma).
At Medici del Benessere we have the most innovative lasers and pulsed lights currently used in the treatment of skin imperfections: telangiectasias, couperose, matting, erythrosis rosacea, venous moles, angiomas, photorejuvenation, active acne, lentigo, papular spots, dermatosis, hyperkeratosis, poikiloderma, scarring, keloids, stretch marks, fibromas, xanthelasma, keratosis, rhinophyma, moles, warts, female genital rejuvenation and permanent hair removal.