Dr. Michela Dessì

Dr. Michela Dessì sees patients at the Centro Polispecialistico Medici del Benessere in Oristano and deals with rheumatology, the diagnosis and treatment of all adult pathologies in which the immune system affects the joints, especially since all the organs (heart, skin, lungs, kidneys) are often involved, such as in rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, lupus, systemic sclerosis, and vasculitis.

She also treats all mechanically caused osteoarticular conditions such as osteoarthritis and tendinopathies, those caused by crystal depositions such as gout, and other rheumatologic conditions such as osteoporosis and fibromyalgia.


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A Team of professionals at your service

ORISTANO | Via Luigi Manconi Passino. 32

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Phone: +39 0783 467437

Mobile: +39 370 1504113


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